Our local litter picking group, Brackley Litter Wombles, have been working hard to keep our streets and parks litter free for almost a year and a half and have collected over 1,800 bags of litter from Brackley. You might have seen their purple bags around the town. These purple bags are collected by either WNC or Brackley Town Council, to be disposed of. You’ll be pleased to know that they have noticed a difference in the amount of litter that is generally lying around and would like to thank anyone that has been picking up pieces when they are out and about.
This year the Wombles started to litter pick tougher areas such as a few of our local laybys and were astounded by the amount of litter and fly tipping they came across. Before the summer plant life took hold of the areas they were working on, they collected 459 purple bin bags of litter, no end of fly tipped items and over 1,200 bottles of what they affectionately call “driver tizer”. We’ll let you decide what that means! This is a problem that is not just in Northamptonshire but is nationwide.
They have started to return to the layby’s now the greenery is dying back and is revealing what has been dumped there. When they checked on their favourite layby last month, they found 30 bags of rubbish, 71 bottles of driver tizer, 31 tyres, stolen sports shoes, kitchen worktops, a chain saw and many other random items.
You name it, they have found it somewhere!
The recent addition of the skatepark created a litter hiccup the first weekend of its opening. The two bins installed by the Town Council could not cope with the capacity of rubbish that occurred but Brackley Litter Wombles were there to help out. They collected 9 bags of litter that weekend and immediately reported this to the Town Council. The Town Council acted straight away and the Monday after that weekend, the team from the council had installed 3 extra bins, one for recycling.
The group regularly litter pick around town and have sessions of all ages and abilities.
Wednesday Wombles meet every week 9:00am –10:00am with a gentle litter pick somewhere in Brackley.
Community Wombles meet one a month on a Saturday 10:00am – 12:00noon with a different large location every time.
Hard Core Wombles tackle layby’s on a Thursday morning and these are when a decent sized group of them can get together.
If you want to find out more information or get involved, please use the contact details below.
Find us on Facebook
Brackley Library, Manor Road, Brackley, Northamptonshire NN13 6AJ