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Lampson Piano Lessons in Brackley

The Lampson Piano Studio

Creative, structured and progressive piano lessons for all ages

Featured points

  • Carefully constructed, tailor-made lessons for each student
  • Detailed, written lesson feedback after every session
  • Development of all musical concepts
  • Patient guidance, encouragement and support
  • Introduction to a wide, rich repertoire of piano music
  • 100% pass-rate for exams – a high proportion of merits and distinctions
Piano Lessons in Brackley

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Creative, structured piano lessons in Brackley

My aims are to encourage all students to be able to develop their independent learning, through a carefully prepared pathway designed for each individual student, focusing on correct technique from the start and with an emphasis on establishing complete understanding of all the musical elements.

My students are from all age ranges and stages, although I specialise in teaching beginners; especially very young beginners, (I am also an experienced Montessori teacher) and adult beginners or returners. My focus is on ensuring that each student develops an effective and safe technique, an intuitive sense of rhythm and pulse, an ability to audiate – that is, to literally ‘think in music’.

Over the years each student will be introduced to a rich repertoire of music, following a carefully constructed progressive programme, tailored for the individual.
During each lesson, a series of goals for the week is established and written down for the student’s reference.

For students between four and seven years of age, a wide variety of activities is available, designed to enable your young child to develop a love for music in general and an interest in the piano in particular.
Activities are changed frequently, and many involve ‘away from the keyboard’ work – this approach is vital when working with young students who may still be developing a longer attention span, and for whom the development of pulse and rhythm through movement, percussion instruments and song is essential.

Many older school-aged children will already be familiar with some elements of music, particularly rhythm, through their Early Years experiences in pre-schools, playgroups or music groups.
Each pupil is treated as an individual and their learning style and musical tastes and interests taken into account when planning lessons. I aim to develop their self-reliance and to help them grow in musical confidence.

During the initial session with adult learners, musical ambitions are discussed and a pathway devised, based on any previous experience, to enable enjoyment of technical and musical development in a sympathetic, productive environment.
Some adults find that they are nervous about learning the piano even if they have a passion to do so. This is quite natural; acquiring any new skill is can be a nerve-wracking experience, but I have gained a reputation for being patient and supportive and I can guarantee you a kind and sympathetic atmosphere!

Until earlier this year (2020) all my lessons were face-to-face, either in my studio in Brackley, or in students’ own homes in and around Beaconsfield, South Bucks.

At the moment I am teaching on-line, usually via Skype, with a view to resuming face-to-face lessons when it is safe to do so.

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