Calm Happy Mama offers Hypnobirthing Courses, Workshops and Pregnancy Relaxation Classes in and around Brackley, taught by a local Mama of two and fully qualified with The Little Birth Company.
At the Daisy Foundation we want you to feel confident & empowered about birth and parenthood. We offer an array of courses that support you from 14 weeks of pregnancy all the way through to the first two years of your baby’s life.
Sing and Sign is a fun and interactive class for babies from 0 – 2 years in Brackley. It aims to teach the foundations of communicating with your baby right through to baby signing with your toddler.
At Pumpkin and Pickle, we offer birth workshops through to post natal care & baby massage. I’m a baby massage instructor, mother of two and I care about the connection between mother and child in those first days & weeks whilst you build your relationship & develop a routine.
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